Our military and veteran population has been actively engaged in almost twenty years of sustained combat. As with Veterans of all wars, they come back with scars, both visible and invisible. Recognizing these challenges the US Department of Agriculture and the US Department of Veteran's Affairs have both been charges with developing and funding programs that further the use of Agricultural Therapy as a form of treatment for Veterans.
At Project Victory Gardens we recognize the importance of "dirt therapy". Getting your hands dirty and watching plants grow from your own work is tremendously rewarding. It provides a sense of purpose that many Veterans are lacking following their exit from the military.
Utilizing small scale agricultural methods, such as raised garden beds, aquaponics, green-houses, and companion planting we can show you how to start your own Project Victory Garden! Whether you have a pot of tomatoes on your apartment balcony or 100 acres, join us today!
Please email us at projectvictorygardens@gmail.com to receive more information or schedule a tour of our farm!