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Client Testimonials...

“The Rutter Family, and their work with Project Victory Gardens has had a profound impact on my family.

Their friendly and open educational approach has sparked an interest in agriculture in all three of my children. My children (14, 10, and 6) understand the work that goes into nurturing and growing food. My 10 year old daughter has developed a keen interest in gardening, and is growing a garden of her own.

As a veteran I value my visits to Project Victory Gardens. The location in peaceful Aiken, South Carolina makes it easy to focus on the beauty of the surroundings. The pace of life, beautiful natural surroundings, and honest quality of agritherapy go far in alleviating anxiety and stress. This helps both veterans and families heal and gain confidence.

The Rutter's are outstanding mentors. The good they are doing with Project Victory Gardens will only grow with time and will impact veterans and families in ways that we cannot imagine.” – Dorsel B.


“Project Victory Gardens thank you. I think what you’re doing on your property is remarkable and you’re such an asset to your community and veterans. Being a military widow, I’ve met a lot of military widows whose husbands committed suicide due to PTSD. I’m sure having a place for them to come where it’s peaceful and beautiful and where they can garden will help provide that sense of purpose, peace and belonging they so desperately need. Thank you for being the change you wanted to see and thanks for being so welcoming.” – Doris S.


“I have gained more interest and seen the beauty in agriculture from talking with Kara at work and seeing all the additions as they are made at Project Victory Gardens. I look forward to visiting their farm. I love learning from her and now I look forward to starting my own small garden at home.” – Michelle G.


“I know the therapeutic value of both gardening and animals. I have seen it with my own eyes. I know the Rutters have worked hard to make their dream real. I hope the re-zoning will happen so they can help other veterans.” – Lois D.


“I love all of this. This probably in my top two Facebooks feeds that brings me pure joy.” – Leroy A.


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Project Victory Gardens

140 Harbor Lane, Townville, SC 29689

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