The Farm Kitchen

Uncle Dutch's famous Red Pepper Jelly

My favorite birthday cake recipe.


Uncle Dutch's famous Red Pepper Jelly
Food is love! This a fundamental tenet that Matt and Kara believe wholeheartedly! They have used their love of food to bring Military, Veterans, and Families together since they met. They have embraced the homesteading lifestyle by making their own sausage, smoking cheeses, making yogurt, and canning and preserving sauces, jams, and jellies.
Kara was involved in the Military Food Service industry for over 20 years. She was hand-selected to cook for the Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon. She rose to one of the most senior culinary positions in the US Army, serving as the US Army Central Chief Culinary Management NCO, responsible for all Army food service operations in the Middle East. She completed a Masters Degree in Hospitality Administration from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Have you always wanted to learn to can? Have some venison that you would love to turn into amazing smoked garlic sausage? Contact us today for our schedule of upcoming culinary and homesteading opportunities at projectvictorygardens@gmail.com.